“The original APR’s issued by his director (initiating Officer) was replaced by another APR’s which have been issued by the other officer under whom he never worked in the University“
K Koushal
Despite strong objections by the Audit team of the office of Audit and Accountant General, Jammu and Kashmir regarding eligibility of an alleged influential officer, the University of Jammu is reportedly adamant to continue with his elevation as Director IT.
According to sources, the Principal Secretary Finance Department, U.T. of J&K, who is also the Financial Advisor of the University of Jammu, Santosh D Vaidya has also expressed his reservations for the said post along with some other positions.
“The Audit team of the office of the Audit and Accountant General, J&K during its audit and inspection in the University of Jammu in its report has put a question mark on the Ph.D . degree of Guneet Singh Sudan, the influential officer in question,” alleged sources, adding that the audit team mentioned that the officer has not done six months course work which is mandatory as per UGC norms both for regular/ part time Ph.D. scholar for registration in Ph.D. programme.
Sources asserted that the Audit teams in its report has also asked the University authorities how can a student of IT background can pursue the Ph.D. in management Studies.
“Interview was held on 5th October-2024 in the University of Jammu to appoint Guneet Singh Sudan as Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services & Management, University of Jammu (in the grade of 10,000/-) who is under no circumstances eligible for the said post,” alleged sources, adding that the incumbent Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu Prof. Umesh Rai has reportedly announced that he is going to appoint Guneet Singh Sudan as the Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management, University of Jammu, which makes interview process farce and just formality.
Sources informed that Guneet Singh Sudan has done his Ph.D. in Management Studies whereas he had done his masters in computer sciences.
“The post for which he has been made eligible is in IT field which is totally a professional one. The master degree he obtained in Computer Science is not equalivent to master degree offered by the University of Jammu,” alleged sources, adding that in a conflict of interest and to hoodwink the higher authorities, the University of Jammu constituted a Committee for the screening/ scrutiny of the application forms of candidates under the convenership Prof. Versha Mehta, who is the Professor of Management Studies and the Ph.D. Guide of Guneet Singh Sudan.
Sources questioned how a Professor of Management Studies can scrutinize the application form of IT field.
“As per University norms, Dean of the concerned faculty and Head of the concerned department are the members of the screening committee for screening/ scrutiny application forms of the department/subject concerned,” maintained sources, adding that everything is happening without any accountability as last year Guneet was placed in the next grade under Career Advancement scheme (CAS-7600 GP) without the taking into account of his Annul Performance Report (APR’s) written by his director under whom he has worked as Assistant Director during assessment years 2016-2017, 2017-18 and 2019-20 which was his assessment period the promotion/placement in the next pay scale.
“The original APR’s issued by his director (initiating Officer) was replaced by another APR’s which have been issued by the other officer under whom he never worked in the University,” alleged sources, adding that all this misdemeanor is happening under the watch of incumbent Vice Chancellor.
Giving details, sources shared that the University of Jammu had advertised seven top level administrative positions, including director IT (Level -14 in the Grade Pay of 10,000/-) vide advertisement no. Estab./NTW/C&R/24/3521-3620 dated 05.06.2024.
The qualification and eligibility criteria for the most of the positions was already approved by the University bodies and same are as per UGC guidelines and also are tenure based positions having tenure of 05years.
“However, the qualification and eligibility criteria for the position Director, Centre IT Enable Services & Management, University was not formulated and in order to formulate the qualification and other eligibility criteria the Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu constituted a committee,” said sources, adding that the Committee on its meeting held on 22.07.2022 recommended the qualification for post of Director, Centre IT Enable Services & Management for approval of University bodies (University Syndicate /University Council) as B.E. /B.Tech or recognized equivalent qualifications with 55% marks in the relevant field of technology with 16 years of experience and working/worked at least Scientist-F/Associate Professor for 5-years Or M.tech/M.E./MCA with MBa or recognized equivalent qualifications with 55% marks in the relevant field of technology with 14 years of experience in relevant field or Ph.D. in the relevant field of the Technology having 55% marks at masters level with 13 years in the relevant field Or Professor of Computer Science/Information Technology of Equivalent.
“In order to make the ineligible blue eyed, Guneet Singh Sudan eligible for the post Director, Centre IT Enable Services & Management, the University of Jammu at its own made some necessary amendments in the qualification by misleading the University Syndicate and University Council,” alleged sources, adding that the comparison of the qualifications recommended by the committee and amendments made by the University on the directions of present vice chancellor were contradictory.
Qualification Recommended by the Committee at its meeting held on 20.07.2022. Qualification amended by the University to make Sudan eligible for the aforesaid post by misleading the University bodies.
B.E. /B.Tech or recognized equivalent qualifications with 55% marks in the relevant field of technology with 16 years of experience and working/worked at least Scientist-F/Associate Professor for 5-years Or M.Tech/M.E./MCA with MBa or recognized equivalent qualifications with 55% marks in the relevant field of technology with 14 years of experience in relevant field Or Ph.D. in the relevant field of the Technology having 55% marks at masters level with 13 years in the relevant field Or Professor of Computer Science/Information Technology of Equivalent
B.E. /B.Tech or recognized equivalent qualifications with 55% marks in the relevant field of technology with 15 years of experience and working/worked at least Scientist-F/Associate Professor for 5-years Or M.Tech/M.E./MCA with MBA or recognized equivalent qualifications with 55% marks in the relevant field of technology with 12 years of experience in relevant fiels Or Ph.D. in the relevant field of the Technology having 55% marks at masters level with 10 years at least to a position equivalent to Assistant Professor/Assistant Director in the concerned area (amendment made for making Guneet Singh Sudan eligible for the post of Director through this clause) Or Professor of Computer Science/Information Technology of Equivalent.
Sources asserted that the University of Jammu on the directions of Vice Chancellor are doing following favours to Guneet Singh Sudan to appoint him Director Centre for IT enabled Services & Management in 10,000/-which is equivalent to Commissioner/Secretary in U.T.J&K interview for which has been scheduled for 5th Ocotber-2024.
“The qualification and eligibility criteria has been amended by the University of Jammu on the directions of the Vice- Chancellor in order to make Guneet Singh Sudan eligible for the post Director, Centre for IT Enabled Service & Management,” alleged sources, adding that the University of Jammu has misled the University bodies both the University syndicate/ University Council by drafting the tailored agenda item.
“To adopt the qualifications and other eligibility conditions as devised/formulated by the duly constituted committee for the post Director, Centre for It Enabled Service & Management,” shares sources, adding that however the committee in its report has nowhere recommended 10 years experience at least to a position equivalent to Assistant Professor/Assistant Director in the concerned area which has incorporated at his own to make Sudan eligible for the post of Director. Guneet Sudan is presently working as Assistant Director, Centre for IT enabled service and Management.
Sources said that it is worth to mention that during Financial approval for the same, the Principal Secretary Finance Department, U.T. of J&K is also the Financial Advisor of the University and is also one of the members of the selection committee as per University act had reportedly objected the same.
“He is an upright person and University of Jammu wants to make him partner in this wrong doing,” alleged sources.
Despite repeated attempts, Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Santosh D Vaidya and Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu, Prof Umesh Rai were not available for comments.

Snapshots of APR of Guneet Singh Sudan