“Due to overcrowding in the hospital that person was shifted to the office of Medical Superintendent for vaccine jab”
Sumit Dusgotra
Habitual of ‘appeasing politicians’, staff at Government Medical College and Hospital (GMC&H) Jammu, does not ‘shy away’ extending extra services to the ‘politically influenced’ persons even today. In the latest instance of flattery, Medical Superintendent of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMC&H) Jammu flanked by another senior doctor of the hospital administered first jab of covid-19 vaccine to the low rung official, reportedly in the office of the Medical Superintendent of the hospital, in violation of guidelines.
According to the sources in the hospital, a low rung official, who happened to be the ‘self-proclaimed’ personal assistant of former Health Minister, was given first shot of vaccine in the office of the Medical Superintendent of GMC&H- Dr Dara Singh in the presence of another senior and probably influential doctor Kailash Singh.
Privileged “Politically influenced” Official getting jab of COVID-19 vaccine in the office of Medical Superintendent, GMC&H Jammu. In picture, Babli Raina along with Medical superintendent- Dr Dhara Singh and Dr Kailash Singh.
“A low rank official of forest department, who was attached to the office of former Health Minister was given special treatment by the head of the Government Medical College and Hospital, as a dividend for the work he had previously done for them,” said sources adding that this is ‘mockery’ of the office that superintendent is holding.
Sources further asserted that the superintendent provided this special treatment of administering the vaccine in his office, despite the fact that the government has asked concerned hospital authorities to designate a space for vaccination of COVID 19, which for sure cannot be the office of Medical Superintendent.
Giving details of the person, who received a special jab of covid-19 vaccine in the office of Medical Superintendent, sources said that the person namely Ranjeet Babli Raina was appointed as a fourth class worker in the forest department.
“During previous PDP-BJP coalition, Raina was attached in the office of health minister-Bali Bhagat, owing to political patronage,” said sources, adding that Raina was ‘cherry-picked’ for certain reasons.
Sources said that Raina is extended relative of a former minister and BJP leader, who was quite instrumental in his special posting.
“It is believed that Ranjeet Babli Raina was deputed by General Administration Department (GAD) in the office of Health Minister as class IV, which offended former minister and extended relative of Raina, who felt bad about his relative opening and closing doors for guests, so he asked Bali Bhagat to shift Raina in the personal section,” alleged sources, adding that in the personal section, Raina started acting as ‘personal assistant’ of the minister.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 vaccine operational guidelines are clear enough to designated places and layout plan of the session site for the vaccination.
“An ideal session site should have three demarcated rooms/areas:, including waiting room/area, vaccination room; and observation room. The rooms should preferably have 2 doors one for entry & one for exit. Rooms/areas should be well-ventilated. A well-ventilated area is one that can be achieved through open windows and natural ventilation,” read the guidelines, adding that the waiting area should be demarcated so that seating location should be 2 Gaz apart.
It further states that only pre-registered beneficiaries will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.
“No on the spot registration of beneficiaries at the session site. Pre-registration of the beneficiary could take place through bulk upload of HCWs and FLWs data by respective departments, from latest electoral roll for Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly election for priority age group population aged 50 years or more; and self-registration by beneficiary,” read the guidelines.
Guidelines on session site structure, clarifies that vaccination session site structure should be like that of the election booth with exactly defined roles of each team member. District Administration and DTF/ BTF will ensure that the vaccination session site chosen should have minimum risk of COVID-19 virus transmission ensuring proper infection prevention and control practices, identification and allocation of duties including a backup team to support in case of absenteeism due to unforeseen circumstances.
Talking to The Typewriter, Medical Superintendent of Government Medical College and Hospital-Dr Dara Singh said that any place where medical team gathers becomes ‘designated spot’ for COVID -19 vaccination.
“Due to overcrowding in the hospital that person was shifted to the office of medical superintendent for vaccine jab,” said Medical Superintendent.
When asked about why office of MS was chosen for influential persons, Dr Dara Singh tried to dodge, claiming that chambers of all the doctors are in the same floor.