“There is a conspiracy hatched against Prof Mansotra to not only demean him, but also to get his representation against Anik Gupta hushed up”
K Koushal
In peculiar circumstances, Jammu University administration has reportedly initiated an inquiry against a professor, who claimed to have exposed alleged illegitimate appointments in the varsity, but has been made ‘scapegoat’ by power holders.
Vice Chancellor, Jammu University, Prof Manoj Dhar had initiated inquiry into the complaints against Prof Vibhakar Mansotra and the case was entrusted to the Vigilance Officer of the varsity.
A complaint (copy in possession of The Typewriter) was filed in the office of Vice Chancellor Jammu University, which carried at least dozen serious allegations, including an allegation challenging professor’s legality of holding the present position.
However, in depth investigation into the matter by The Typewriter led to the surfacing of couple of letters written by the Prof Mansotra to the Registrar Jammu University, seeking constitution of committee to conduct a fair inquiry into the investigation of newly appointed Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management-Anik Gupta.
A senior professor in Jammu University, wishing anonymity revealed that the travesty of the matter is that no action was taken against the representation of Prof Mansotra, while an inquiry was initiated on the basis of an anonymous letter against Prof Mansotra.
“There is a conspiracy hatched against Prof Mansotra to not only demean him, but also to get his representation against Anik Gupta hushed up,” said senior professor, adding that registrar, as well as, Vice Chancellor of the varsity should be answerable to the public, why well represented letter was ignored, while as an anonymous letter was preferred to act upon.
Taking a dig at the University administration, the senior professor said that one can imagine the level of conspiracy, as the varsity acted upon anonymous letters despite clear directives.
“There is no need to take action on anonymous or pseudonymous complaints,” said professor, quoting from a directive issued by the Personnel Ministry to all central government departments.
Prof. Mansotra in letters written to the Registrar University of Jammu (Copies in possession of The Typewriter), sought inquiry into the appointment of Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management.
“Respected Madam, may I draw your kind attention towards order No. Estab./20/8263-8362 dated 23/10/2020, that has reached me as a surprise from Mr. Anik Gupta, who has been appointed as Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management, by the University relieving me from the additional Charge,” reads letter signed by Prof Mansotra, adding, “As per the letter written by Mr. Anik Gupta, to me, has already joined the Office of Registrar on 23rd of October itself. I fail to understand the urgency of joining on the post after the closure of the University at 5.30 PM.”
It reads, “Although I was apprehending this kind of order, but yet I thought might be the wisdom will prevail and such abrupt action may not be taken. But still the University without speculating the repercussions issued the order. It is very unfortunate that if Senior Professor of the rank of ‘Dean of a Faculty’ can be humiliated in the meetings in presence of Junior people of the rank of Assistant professors or even below, how can the Juniors expect their due respect and dignity in the system,” adding “Yes I do not hesitate to admit that what happened the day before the issuance of this order was not in good taste but yes this kind of admission must have been expressed from the other side as well.”
Prof Mansotra further stated, “Now since the University was hell bent to remove me as Director of the Centre for IT, I believe it was obligatory on the part of the University to appoint a person of the equal status as the New Director,” adding “To the best of my knowledge the person who has been appointed as the New Director, is not eligible even for the post of Assistant Professor in Computer Science and IT in a University/College. I fail to understand what kind of administration is prevailing in the system? I would like to reiterate here that the University has not only removed a Professor of Computer Science and IT, from the Post of Director, but a person who is the Highest Qualified, Possessing M.Sc. & M.Phil degrees in Physics; P.G Diploma in Computer Applications; M.Tech in Computer Science (from IIT Delhi) and Ph.D in Computer Science and IT; and has appointed, an ineligible and very poorly qualified person with only B.Tech degree (i.e. a Graduate only) as Director IT.”
The letter reads, “I would further like to enlighten your goodself that Mr. Anik was deputed by the University for doing M.Tech in IIT Delhi but within two months after the start of the course he left it, as he failed to sustain the pressure of the course, and ran away without completing the programme. Still, if the administration feels Mr. Gupta is no less than a Professor, then he should have been first appointed as HOD of either the Department of Physics or Electronics, where ever he fits best and thereafter, I feel he becomes due for the position of either DDA or DRS,” adding, “The action of the University is out-and-out a disgrace to the entire Professor community in the University. I am afraid the University may not be leading towards administrative anarchy.”
Seeking constitution of a committee to enquire into appointment of Mr Anik, Prof Mansotra stated, “Now since you have issued the order of appointment of the New Director, I would request you to please constitute a committee comprising of senior most Professors of the University, including me also as a member, to conduct a fair inquiry on the appointment of Mr Anik.”
Senior professor further asserted that Prof Mansotra also sent a couple of reminders to the registrar to know the status of his representation, but the University administration never bothered to entertain his representation.
“Prof Mansotra is being victimized by the administration. Instead of calling for investigation in the appointment of a new Director as alarmed by Prof Mansotra, the University has targeted him in baseless allegations,” stated the professor, adding that irony is that the University is trying to cow-down a whistleblower to save the skin of ‘blue-eyed’ persons.
Talking to The Typewriter, Prof Vibhakar Mansotra said that by initiating inquiry against him on the basis of anonymous complaints and ignoring his representation in toto, the University administration has made it evident that a huge conspiracy is being hatched to adjust ‘blue eyed’ candidate.
“You are supposed to ask this question to the University administration, how they could take action on the basis of anonymous complaint,” said Mansotra, adding that it has been more than three months since he wrote a letter to the Registrar, but no action has been taken so far.
When contacted the Registrar of Jammu University Arvind Jasrotia said that the University is working on the representation of Prof Mansotra.