“Official collusion was vindicated at the point when instead of selecting L1 (Lowest bidder), the concerned authorities chose H1 (Highest bidder)”
K Koushal
Causing huge losses to the government exchequer by reportedly accommodating an alleged blacklisted private firm, the National Health Mission (NHM) has reportedly extended preferential treatment in the awarding of contracts.
According to sources and available documents, the eyebrows were raised over the allotment of contract to a private firm namely Comtech Info Solutions Srinagar, when it was revealed how terms and conditions were tailored to award the contract to this firm, which has been allegedly blacklisted, as per the official record.
“The controversy surrounds a rate contract issued on February 2, 2024, by NHM, which approved rates of Rs. 421/- in favor of Comtech Info Solutions Srinagar. Shockingly, these rates were significantly higher than those previously approved, which stood at Rs. 85/-,” said sources, adding that the timeline of events also raises serious questions, as it has been disclosed that the work allotted to Comtech Info Solutions Srinagar commenced from November 1, 2023, rather than from the date of issuance of the rate contract.
Sources stated that this patronage by the NHM has not only raised eyebrows but has also resulted in substantial financial losses amounting to lakhs of rupees for the government.
They maintained that there were also some deviations in the actual Annual Turnover record when compared with the detail submitted by the firm.
“The Annual Turnover report submitted by the firm has been exaggerated to claim more points,” alleged sources, adding that when compared with the actual record, it showed deviation.
Further exacerbating the situation, Ayushman Bharat also awarded work to Comtech Info Solutions Srinagar under the same terms and conditions as the NHM rate contract dated 02-02-2024 for the term of three years. Astonishingly, despite NHM’s rate contract being valid for only one year, Ayushman Bharat issued a three-year work order to the same company.
“The irregularities do not end here. It has been seen that the rates quoted by other bidders did not comply with tender conditions. Despite this, NHM authorities proceeded to consider these rates, casting doubts on the transparency and fairness of the tendering process,” maintained sources, adding that the alleged official collusion was vindicated at the point when instead of selecting L1 (Lowest bidder), the concerned authorities chose H1 (Highest bidder).
Moreover, these revelations pointed towards a deeper issue of collusion between NHM authorities and other officers of the Jammu & Kashmir Health Department.
“The trial of the proceedings of tendering to awarding contract suggested that the tender process was tailored to favor Comtech Info Solutions Srinagar, with little regard for fair competition or public interest,” alleged sources, adding that in present circumstances, the NHM authorities are supposed to recover the excess amount paid to Comtech Info Solutions Srinagar for previous work and for Ayushman Bharat to amend their contract validity to align with NHM’s one-year rate contract.
Sources shared that this firm was rejected in the technical bid due to some serious objections with regard to EPFO.
“It is surprising to see that too many important details have been ignored by NHM to allot contract to this Kashmir based firm, despite the fact that it has a blemished track record,” said sources, adding that there is also a court case against the firm, which has also been concealed by the firm in its declaration, which amounts to disqualification of the contract.
Meanwhile, a senior officer, wishing anonymity, said that such acts on the part of private firm attracts criminal proceedings, as they have concealed the relevant information from the authorities. It also deserves an in-depth-enquiry against the officers involved in the tendering process.
When contacted Nazim Zai Khan, Mission Director NHM and Ashok Shan, State Accounts Manager, NHM J&K they tried to dodge and delay the queries.