“No further request for extension of date shall be entertained under any circumstances”
K Koushal
Finance Department today provided one more and apparently last opportunity to the government employees to exercise/re-exercise option for pay fixation within three months.
According to the finance department order, pursuant to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Office Memorandum No. 4.21/20171C/E.111A dated 28-11-2019 Codes division of Finance Department has issued O.M No: A/PS/DGC/Gen (2018)-1209 dated 07-02-2020, wherein the following has been provided; In order to enable the employees who have been promoted /granted financial up-gradation (In-Situ promotion) on or after 01-01-2016 but could not exercise the option for pay fixation under Rule 1.3 of J&K Civil Service (Revised) Pay Rules, 2018 because of lack of clarification, shall be given an opportunity to exercise or re-exercise option there under, if they desire so.
The option shall be exercised within three months of issue of this O.M.
Now the Government of India has allowed another opportunity vide OM No. o4-21/2o17-IC/E.III.A dated 15 April, 2021 to Government employees to exercise/re-exercise option for pay fixation as allowed under OM dated 28.11.2019 within three months from the date of issue of the OM.
The issue has been examined in the Finance Department and it has been decided to allow one more opportunity to the Government employees to exercise/re-exercise option for pay fixation as allowed under 0.M No: A/PS/DGC/Gen (2018)-1209 dated 07-02-2020, within three months from the issue of this O.M on the analogy of GOI. No further request for extension of date shall be entertained under any circumstances.
All other conditions of OM No. A/PS/DGC/Gen (2o18)-12o9 dated 07-02-2020 shall remain unchanged, the order reads.